From the Depths
Some aspects of my nursing I felt like I could see what was happening. I was doing it. Doing a good job, going through the motions. But … View Post about From the Depths
Be aware of the steps of growth. Have a role model or a mentor. Have a dream. Know that when you are challenged that you are … View Post about Growth
Rejoice in receiving
Rejoice in Receiving?❤️?️ Too often we deflect compliments, gifts, gestures, encouragement, support…. Instead of DE-flecting we can … View Post about Rejoice in receiving
Stephanie, Victoria
My experience with Sarah across multiple programs has been transformative for both my physical and mental health. Sarah actively listens and creates a space where you never feel judged or forced to do anything. She patiently listens and makes you feel like she is walking alongside you through sometimes painful learning and growth. Sarah is naturally warm, deeply empathetic and a truly authentic person. I also appreciate that Sarah is thorough in her practise, and is always pausing to seek feedback or confirm that I’ve understood new concepts. I’m not naturally into programs like the Pillar Code and was hesitant before starting it. The reason I began and remain working with Sarah is because she has built my trust completely and her treatments are actually working. Sarah is a gift to the world and I am so grateful for her expertise and care.
About Me
As the founder of 'The Nurtured Nurse Project' I know that nurses are facing a global epidemic of burnout. It is my mission to empower nurses with the tools and techniques to support their own wellness so that they can continue sustainably supporting the journey of wellness in others.
As a critical care nurse and wellness consultant, I work with all nurses guiding them to feel relaxed, reconnected and reenergised within their mind, body and soul. And what I'm most passionate about is connecting people with their truth and balance to live a life they love!
Why am I passionate about this? 6 years ago, I was Nursing in an Intensive Care Unit. I became depressed, anxious and burnout. 5 years ago, I began studying practices of eastern medicine and healing including Reiki, Neuro-Training Kinesiology and more recently 'The Pillar Code'. In the last 18 months I have founded a movement of self-care for Nurses called 'The Nurtured Nurse Project'.
Sarah Cosgrave, The Nurtured Nurse Expert