Some aspects of my nursing I felt like I could see what was happening. I was doing it. Doing a good job, going through the motions. But I couldn’t breathe properly, literally and metaphysically. I felt trapped. Felt like all I could see was an ocean of shift upon shift with no relief. I wasn’t ... [View Post]
Be aware of the steps of growth. Have a role model or a mentor. Have a dream. Know that when you are challenged that you are growing! If you don’t have something specific you want to work towards – focus on the best version of yourself. So often we compare ourselves to others. To other people ... [View Post]
Rejoice in receiving
Rejoice in Receiving?❤️?️ Too often we deflect compliments, gifts, gestures, encouragement, support…. Instead of DE-flecting we can RE-flect and RE-ceive. This is a common theme within the nursing clients I see. As nurses we are natural givers… lots of different personalities (for those ... [View Post]
Spot the difference... Look at these two photos. Both of me. One is the formation of the yoga pose ‘crow’ something I have been practising recently. The next photo is me falling out of crow. It looks like I’m laughing and that’s because I am! I had been falling a lot, holding this pose for a short ... [View Post]
Eye see you
Nature is all knowing! Keep an EYE out for the whisperings and wisdom that surrounds us. As nurses we spend a lot of our time in the hospital and inside. When you can, get outside, get in amongst nature and SEE what learnings and grounding is provided!!! What can you see? Having specialised as ... [View Post]